Proceed with Caution
I have written all my life. My bedroom as a child was covered from wall to wall with papers: stories, songs, poems, even a screenplay or two. I consider the novel the highest form of creative expression on the planet, and though I’ve written a handful of them that will never see the light of day, at the height of the pandemic — and prodded by my near-death experience with it — I finally started writing a novel worth reading. THE HOLE. It will be available for agents to read by September 2023. As I finish that disaster thriller, I am also pushing around another story idea called IN THE SMOKE, a monster story. This website is all about giving agents and future readers a taste of projects either written, in progress, or planned for the future. And, yes, I write about scary things, about troubling circumstances, about people hanging on for dear life by one bloody fingernail. Best to proceed with caution.